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Prayer at the Western Wall


שומר אחי אנכי



Israel needs your help!

After the awful events of October 7th we were contacted by many friends and neighbors who had been called up by the Army to report for reserve duty right away, and they needed help getting gear, equipment, basic toiletries, food and and of course some treats for morale.


At the same time we also received requests to help evacuate towns that had been hit by rockets.


We are in touch with individual units and unit commanders we personally know who are able to tell us their needs and we are then able to deliver the gear RIGHT INTO THE HANDS OF THOSE WHO NEED IT!

From basic necessities like winter clothing and a hot meal to helping cover the cost of therapeutic interventions and rebuilding efforts.  We work with many partners across the world to ensure we have the clothing, gear and means to answer the calls of help we get daily.
We work to do our best that their needs are answered within 24 hours of contacting us, no matter where they are.
Doing what we can to help our brothers and sisters all across Israel!

All donations go straight to those in need!
Focusing on Soldiers, Reserve Families and those evacuated from their homes on the Gaza border

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